
Showing posts from 2024

A Quiet Summer?

    Oh, the things I will do as an introvert to get to stay home! So, we are getting a new puppy.    We had to say goodbye to our beautiful Bailey (see pic at bottom not long after we got her) last year when she was 15 and a half, who we rescued in 2015 when she was about 7 years old. The last year of her life was pretty tough on all of us as she had massive health issues and was pretty blind, so we really needed some time to process her not being there any more, and I really didn't know if I would want another dog. But my eldest son, who was terrified of dogs up until the point where we got Bailey, has been relentless in his persuasion tactics, sending videos of cute puppies, and making us sit down and have some discussions about what kind of dog we wanted, when the best time to get one would be - and eventually at some point, one of us agreed and there was no going back. And now we are all very excited, as we are going to choose our puppy tomorrow, and bring it hom...

How Introverted am I?

  Ooh, this is always a great question and topic to dive in to!  Being an Introvert is still ‘new’ in my life - I’ve only been aware of it for about 12 years. Previous to that, I genuinely thought there was something wrong with me that I needed to try to fix, to ‘fit in’ with everyone around me. I’m sure there were lots of people around me who knew I was introverted, more than I did! And probably didn’t mention it because they assumed I already knew… Let me tell you, trying to fit in with some of the people I was spending time with felt so hard - but I didn’t understand why. They were all able to party hard and often, and recover quickly, and I was this permanently exhausted and confused hanger-on - often trying to tag on to groups of people who were not necessarily ‘my people’.  I was a singer back in my younger years, and as an introvert, this was an even harder industry to work in, feeling the way I did. My inability to ‘fit in’ and be like some of the other outgoing m...